Schools (page under construction)
At this time you can email wholesale@bluestemnatives.com for more information.
Blue Stem Natives sells the native plants that are part of the Five Hundred Yard Field Trip curriculum. This ecology curriculum is free, and aligned with the science standards in MA, VT, NH, and NY. Using this curriculum, teachers can seamlessly incorporate the study of native plants into their life science lessons. Check out the website at https://www.fivehundredyardfieldtrip.com/ for more detailed information.
Plants can be ordered from Blue Stem Natives, or any other resource listed on the Five Hundred Yard Field Trip website. To purchase plants from Blue Stem please click here (link coming soon)
Photos and information from fivehundredyardfieldtrip.com.
The Pussytoes Project: Grades K-2 Curriculum
Purchase plants here (link coming soon)
"Pussytoes are a wonderful, low growing plant which sends up its distinctive "pussytoe" white flower in May. These plants are one of the host plants of the American Lady butterfly, the life cycle of which can be observed on the plant. In this unit, students will learn about the diet of caterpillars, their adaptations to their environment, their metamorphosis into butterflies and moths, the relationship between caterpillars and their host plants and the mechanisms of pollination. This unit is designed to satisfy many of the life science standards for MA, Vt, NH and NY for grades k-2"
Order plants for the Pussytoes Project here. (link coming soon)
POs accepted
Shipping likely available (working out the details)

Caterpillarpalooza: Grades 3-5
Purchase plants here (link coming soon)

In this unit, students will plant a more varied group of plants: flowers and native grasses that support a variety of caterpillars and other pollinators. All the plants selected for this unit are drought-proof and non aggressive. Students will be able to observe an ecological system and learn about the various interactions between plants and insects. This unit is designed to satisfy many of the life science standards for MA, Vt, NH and NY for grades 3-5
Order plants for Caterpillarpalooza here (link coming soon)
POs accepted
Shipping likely available (working out the details)