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seeds: Eupatorium perfoliatum (common boneset)


Includes a brochure with instructions on how to sow native seeds.



  • C: (30) Seeds germinate after a period of cold, moist stratification. Mix seeds with a handful of damp vermiculite or clean sand (moist—but not wet). Place mixture in a sealed plastic bag and store in a refrigerator, NOT the freezer.


Plant information


You may have heard of, likely seen, common boneset, but do you know how it came about its name? Eupatorium perfoliatum comes from the way the stem grows through the leaf or perforates.


This strong stem action lead early doctors to believe that the plant would be helpful in setting bones, and would use the leaves to bandage reset bones, hence, common boneset! How fun is that? We don’t recommend relying on the leaves to heal bones, but apparently they make a highly effective tea for treating colds and cough.


From a visual standpoint, this tall perennial has a sturdy structure with interesting green foliage, white hairs along the stem, and flat clusters of tiny white flowers congregating high atop the stem. This is a favorite plant for many insects.

seeds: Eupatorium perfoliatum (Common boneset)

Not available but we are working on it!
  • packet 100 seeds
    stratification code

    C(30) D

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