Bromus kalmii
Kalm's brome
Bromus kalmii, Kalm's brome, is primarily found in dry, sandy soils and open woodlands. This grass provides habitat and food for various wildlife species. Kalm's brome serves as a food source for ground-nesting birds, especially during winter, when its seeds are a vital part of the diet for species such as the American Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea) and Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis). The grass also contributes to soil stabilization and is beneficial in conservation planting efforts.
photo by Aaron Gunnar
Bromus kalmii (kalm's brome)
Not available but we are working on it!
type: Grass sun needs: Full sun to part sun water needs: dry to moist soils height: Ht. 2-3' plant spacing: space 12-18" apart bloom time: July, August, September Moderately salt tolerant. Some salt exposure should not be fatal to the plant but some leaf burning may still occur. Deer resistant (please note that does not mean deer proof). Can grow in a container Can grow in a rain garden setting