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Aureolaria flava

smooth false foxglove


Aureolaria flava, commonly known as yellow false foxglove, is a charming herbaceous perennial that brightens up woodlands and meadows across eastern North America. This native beauty typically grows 1 to 3 feet tall, with lance-shaped leaves and clusters of small, tubular yellow flowers that bloom in late summer to early fall. Preferring well-drained soils, it thrives in partial shade, making it a great choice for woodland gardens or naturalized areas where it can add a splash of yellow under the canopy.


Yellow false foxglove is a wildlife magnet, offering crucial resources to a variety of pollinators. Hummingbirds are especially fond of its tubular flowers, which they visit for nectar. It’s also a hit with bees, including the at risk Golden northern bumble bee (Bombus fervidus), which gathers pollen from its blossoms. Not to be outdone, butterflies like the eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) flutter around the plant, enjoying its nectar. The plant’s role in supporting these critters helps foster biodiversity, making it a standout in a pollinator-friendly garden. Plus, its semi-parasitic nature (it takes nutrients from nearby trees via its roots) adds a quirky twist to its ecological story (the trees are fine with it!).


Plants can be purchased in-person or online (with in-person pick-up).

All online orders will be ready for pick-up 24-72 hours after purchase. You will receive an email to let you know when your order is ready. We kindly ask that you pick-up any orders within one week of purchase. 


photo by Barnes Dr Thomas G, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Aureolaria flava (smooth false foxglove)

Not available but we are working on it!
  • type: Perennial
    sun needs: Part shade
    water needs: Dry to average soil
    height: 4'
    plant spacing: 1/sq ft
    bloom time: July, August, September, October
    bloom color: yellow
  • Plant for hummingbirds

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